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What Does Arthritis in the Knee Feel Like? 5 Symptoms of Knee Arthritis

What does arthritis in the knee feel like?

Knee arthritis is a common condition that affects the cartilage in the knee joints. There are over 100 types of knee arthritis, but osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common. Knee osteoarthritis occurs because of the gradual wear-and-tear of the knee cartilage because of aging, and rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that leads to joint pain. You may also develop knee arthritis after a severe injury because of a torn meniscus or knee fracture.

Knee arthritis occurs when the cartilage tissues are inflamed or worn out. Cartilage is a slippery substance that lubricates the ends of your bones. The gradual wear and tear of the cartilage lead to severe knee problems because your bones rub against each other, leading to joint pain and mobility issues. Knee arthritis is a chronic condition, so it gradually worsens over time. Knee osteoarthritis treatments can slow the progress or alleviate the discomfort.

Knee Pain Doctor NYC is a group of state-of-the-art medical centers led by knee pain doctors. Our interventional pain specialists use cutting-edge diagnostic tools and techniques to diagnose and treat the root cause of knee pain and alleviate discomfort. Instead of simply alleviating the symptoms, our knee pain doctors slow the progression of knee arthritis and ensure long-lasting results without surgeries or opioids.

Knee Pain Doctor NYC has two state-of-the-art offices in New York City. Our Midtown Manhattan office is located at 290 Madison, a short walk from the Empire State Building. And our Financial District office is located near the Seaport. If you have the signs and symptoms of knee arthritis, you need to contact our knee pain doctors in New York to explore your knee osteoarthritis treatment options.

We describe the knee arthritis symptoms to look for.

#1. Gradually increasing knee pain

Knee pain caused by arthritis usually starts slowly, but it may also appear suddenly in some cases. You may notice knee pain after you’ve been inactive for some time. Your knees may hurt when you sit down for an extended period, walk on a flat surface, stand up, or climb stairs. Knee osteoarthritis symptoms often wake you up in the middle of the night. The symptoms may progress slowly or rapidly, depending on the underlying condition and your lifestyle.

#2. Knee pain, swelling, and tenderness

Knee arthritis often leads to inflammation and swelling. Osteoarthritis leads to the formation of bone spurs, which leads to hard swelling on the skin’s surface. The accumulation of excess fluid around the knee joint may also lead to soft swelling. You may notice considerable knee swelling after a period of inactivity, such as after waking up in the morning. If your knee joint pain is caused by rheumatoid arthritis, you may also experience fever and exhaustion.

What does arthritis in the knee feel like? Where is the pain located in knee arthritis? We describe the most common knee arthritis symptoms in New York.

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#3. Knee buckling under or locking

Knee arthritis gradually damages and weakens the knee joint. Once the knee structure is left unstable, it can buckle under while walking, making you almost trip or fall. Rheumatoid arthritis can also damage the tendons connecting the muscles to your knee joints, leading to further instability and loss of mobility. When your bones rub together, you may also develop bone spurs that make it hard to straighten your knees.

#4. Knee cracking, popping, and grinding sounds

Knee arthritis prevents your knee joints from moving smoothly against each other. When you bend or straighten your knees, you might hear a cracking, snapping, popping, or grinding sound, which is known as crepitus. These sounds occur because the loss of cartilage leads to increased friction when your bones rub together. As you move, the rough surfaces of your knee joints and bone spurs rub against each other and produce sounds.

#5. Limited range of motion in the knee

Knee arthritis leads to a significant loss of motion in the knees. Your knee injury can lead to bone and cartilage changes that can make it increasingly difficult for your to walk, stand up, or perform other activities. People with rheumatoid arthritis also struggle to flex their knees because of knee pain and swelling. Some people with knee arthritis need canes or walkers.


Find Your Nearest Knee Pain Treatment Center

Our Manhattan NY knee pain clinic is conveniently located on 290 Madison Avenue Suite 203

Frequently asked questions about knee arthritis

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a medical condition that leads to the inflammation of one or more joints in the body. There are over 100 types of arthritis, and they’re all caused by different factors and underlying conditions, such as age-related wear and tear, infections, autoimmune disease, traumatic injuries, and more.

Can HUMira help osteoarthritis?

HUMira is an effective treatment for patients with osteoarthritis. This medication can control the symptoms of moderate to severe osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis and prevent further damage to the knee joints and cartilage. Your knee pain doctors will determine if you’re a good candidate for HUMira.

How do you test for arthritis in the knee?

Your knee pain doctor will perform a thorough evaluation to determine if you have knee arthritis and the root cause of your arthritis. The knee pain doctor will start with a discussion of your symptoms, following which they’ll examine your knees, perform physical examinations to check the range of motion, and administer knee pain tests, such as X-rays, MRI scans, CT scans, and more. After a thorough evaluation, the knee pain doctor will curate a personalized knee osteoarthritis treatment plan for you.


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Meet Our Team of Knee Pain Specialists



Knee Pain Doctor in New York

Dr. Michael Nguyen

Dr. Michael is available for Knee Pain treatment consultations in Manhattan, New York.



Knee Pain Doctor in New Jersey

Dr. George Hanna

Dr. Hanna is available for Knee Pain treatment consultations in Manhattan, New York.



Knee Pain Doctor in New York

Dr. Shane Volney

Dr. Volney is available for Knee Pain treatment consultations in Manhattan, New York.


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