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Knee Pain Doctors




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Where Can I Find The Top Knee Specialist Near Me Manhattan? 

The knee joint is one of the most important and strongest joints in the body. It enables the leg to move relative to the thigh and helps to support body weight. Injury to the knee joint can therefore create long-lasting knee issues. If you leave your knee pain untreated, it can get worse over time and even lead to further health problems. There are also many different knee pain causes and symptoms which require investigation and treatment. That’s why it’s important to find out why you’re in pain and how best to treat it.

The best orthopedic care should avoid unnecessary orthopedic surgery and narcotics. Nowadays, even the top orthopedic surgeon in nyc heavily relies on knee surgery and pain medicine to treat knee problems. However, orthopedic surgeons rarely highlight the numerous risks and disadvantages to this type of invasive treatment protocol. Surgery means that there is always a running risk of breathing problems, infections and lengthy post-operative recovery periods. There is also increased risk of over-reliance on narcotics, NSAIDs and opioids. Even top sports medicine doctors who provide the highest quality of orthopedic care can be too quick to rely on surgery when it might not be necessary or maximize your health.

The best treatment options avoid these risky and unnecessary knee surgeries. Instead, a top pain doctor NYC provides exceptional patient care by using the latest minimally invasive knee treatments. These treatment choices minimize risk and maximize health by using the latest cutting-edge technology that is used in conjunction with a holistic approach to health. Just because you have knee pain does not mean your knee treatment has to be painful! The best knee specialist near me midtown manhattan at this state of the art Harvard pain clinic NYC avoids invasive and risky procedures. They are passionate about creating a customized treatment regime that puts your health at the center of all patient care plans.

Before committing to risky and unnecessary orthopedic surgeries, consider booking an appointment with a top-rated Harvard pain doctor NYC. These board certified doctors are leaders in their field and are passionate about using the safest and healthiest ways to heal your knee pain. 

What Are The Best Knee Treatments?

As we’ve discussed so far, there are many different knee treatments that avoid surgery and narcotics. You might be now wondering ‘what are the best knee treatments?’

Below are some examples of safe and popular knee treatments provided by top-rated Harvard pain experts at this state of the art pain clinic midtown manhattan.  All of the treatments are carried out by board certified Harvard pain management experts who are leaders in the field of pain medicine.

  • Steroid Injections – if you are looking for fast and simple knee pain relief, then steroid injections might be your best option. Steroid injections contain a mixture of a corticosteroid drug and local anesthetic. The local anesthetic blocks any pain and the corticosteroid relieves inflammation. Steroid injections are highly effective and very popular due to their quick application and positive outcomes. Some individuals receive 2-3 steroid injections to get maximum benefit.
  • Hyaluronic Acid Injections –  HA injections are another popular way to treat knee problems. HA is a natural component of synovial fluid and is perfectly safe for treatment use. If you have a condition like arthritis, then hyaluronic acid is required to increase the lubrication of the knee joint. A pain doctor can inject hyaluronic acid directly into the knee joint to ease mobility and help the joint glide.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation – Rfa treatment is an exciting and relatively new area of pain medicine. Rfa is when a pain doctor uses a small generator to transmit rf energy to the genicular nerves in the knee. The genicular nerves are heated up and this thermal energy deactivates the nerves. This means the nerves are unable to send pain information from the genicular nerves in the knee to the brain. Rfa treatment is an excellent option if you’re wanting to avoid steroid medication. It is highly effective for long term knee pain relief and has helped many individuals to avoid knee surgery.
  • Genicular Nerve Block – a genicular nerve block is when a pain doctor injects local anesthetic near the genicular nerves in the knee joint. This type of orthopedic care helps patients to receive instant pain relief. The local anesthetic works by ‘blocking’ any pain.
  • Physical therapy – the top knee specialist near me midtown manhattan will recommend a leading physical therapist to help your recovery. Physical therapy is when a therapist provides you with gentle exercises. These exercises help you increase flexibility, strength and mobility in your knee joint.

Why Should I Visit A Pain Doctor?

If you’re struggling with knee pain and looking for the best knee specialist near me midtown manhattan, then this Harvard pain clinic is your best option. This state of the art pain clinic midtown is located near Grand Central Station in the heart of New York City.

At this top-rated Harvard pain clinic, you will be met by world-leading pain doctors who are pain management experts. They highly recommend booking an appointment to visit their modern and friendly clinic so that you can explore the best knee treatments.

It’s important you understand what is causing your pain and how best to treat it. If you leave your pain untreated, it could get even worse or lead to secondary issues. There are many different knee pain causes, ranging from acute injuries to long-term underlying health conditions.

An expert pain doctor will spend time with you to understand your pain issue. They will take a verbal medical history and may even order blood tests and scans to rule out other health conditions. Once they have collated all of this information, they will be able to provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan. This plan involves a recommendation for a minimally invasive treatment choice in conjunction with physical therapy.

Before committing to risky and potentially unnecessary knee surgeries, it’s vital you find a pain doctor who wants to put your health at the heart of their treatment plan. That’s why it is recommended you schedule an appointment with a top knee specialist near me midtown at this state of the art Harvard clinic.

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